The Lafayette Parish School Board recognizes that major illnesses and catastrophic injuries may warrant the need for additional sick leave by an employee. The Board shall create and maintain a Sick Leave Bank which provides an opportunity for employees to donate sick leave days, which in turn may be used by employees in emergency situations when their own sick leave days have been exhausted


Donations of sick leave days may be made to the Sick Leave Bank or directly to individual employees.  Three (3) separate accounts shall be established within the Sick Leave Bank:  one for teachers, one for bus operators, and one for school employees.  Donations to the Sick Leave Bank shall be credited to the appropriate account depending on the classification of the donor.  Donations made directly to individuals shall only be allowed within the appropriate classification.  All donations shall be made by notarized Acts of Donation, and shall be made in accordance with other provisions of this policy.  Once executed, any donation made shall be irrevocable.


Receipt of sick leave days from the Sick Leave Bank shall be based on a written application submitted by a regular, full-time employee to the Superintendent and/or his/her designee.  Assessment and any decisions regarding the granting of days from the Sick Leave Bank shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent. His/her decisions shall be final, and such decisions shall not be subject to review by the School Board or subject to the Board's grievance procedures.




Applications for receipt of donated sick leave days from the Sick Leave Bank shall be in writing and include a statement from a licensed physician certifying a medical necessity for the employee to be absent from work.  The application shall be submitted at least twenty (20) workdays prior to the anticipated beginning date of leave. In cases of extenuating circumstances, the Superintendent may waive or alter the application deadline. Upon review of the applications, if questions about the validity or accuracy of the certification arise, the Superintendent may require additional medical certification as outlined under Extended Sick Leave in policy GBRIB, Sick Leave.


Medical necessity shall be the result of a catastrophic illness or injury, which means a life-threatening, chronic, or incapacitating condition of the employee.  Catastrophic illness or injury shall mean a severe condition, or combination of conditions, that (a)affect the physical or mental health of the employee; (b) result in a life-threatening or life function altering condition that prevents the employee from being actively employed, and (c) require an absence from work for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive workdays.


All records generated in the administration of the Sick Leave Bank and donations to individual employees, and the confidentiality of applicable records shall be properly maintained by the Superintendent and staff in accordance with statutory provisions.


An employee receiving indemnity benefits under workers’ compensation is not eligible to receive days from the Sick Leave Bank.  An employee receiving disability benefits from a group disability plan and/or an individually-purchased disability plan is not eligible to receive days from the Sick Leave Bank.


Donor Eligibility


  1. Employees who wish to donate accrued sick leave days shall have been actively employed by the School Board for a period of thirty-six (36) consecutive months as of the date of the intended donation, except in cases where donations are to a designated individual.

  2. Only employees with a balance of more than thirty (30) sick leave days as of the date of the intended donation shall be permitted to donate to the Sick Leave Bank. No donation shall be permitted which causes the donor’s sick leave balance to fall below thirty (30) days. A maximum of ten (10) days may be donated in a fiscal year. An individual may make only one (1) donation in a fiscal year.

  3. Employees wishing to donate sick leave shall complete the appropriate Act of Donation Form. The donation shall irrevocably relinquish all future claims and rights to such donated sick leave. The days donated shall be permanently deducted from the total number of accumulated sick leave days the employee has on the date the donation is approved.

  4. All donations shall be strictly voluntary.

  5. No transfer shall become valid until all forms, verifications and signatures have been completed and signed by the Superintendent.

  6. All donations shall be in units of whole days.

  7. An employee may donate sick leave directly to another employee in an amount not to exceed one-half of the donating employee’s accumulated leave as calculated at the beginning of the school year.


Recipient Eligibility


  1. Recipients shall be regular, full-time employees of the Lafayette Parish School Board at the time that medical necessity is determined.

  2. Recipients shall have been employed by the School Board for at least thirty-six (36) consecutive months as of the date of the request for intended usage and cannot be granted intermittent daily leave (leave in increments of fewer than (10) days. Bank days may only be used when an illness requires an eligible recipient to miss a minimum of ten (10) days.

  3. Employees who are recipients shall have exhausted all current and accumulated sick leave and have used all days of extended sick leave and any other paid leave which the employee has earned and to which he may be entitled. In addition, those employees who receive annual leave shall have exhausted all annual leave time before becoming eligible to receive sick leave days from the Sick Leave Bank.

  4. The maximum number of sick leave days that may be granted to a recipient, by an individual, at one time shall be twenty (20) workdays.  Sick leave bank days shall be granted only for the duration of the school year or fiscal year, depending on the employee’s work schedule.

  5. Of those days granted, any remaining unused at the end of the fiscal year shall be returned to the Sick Leave Bank.  Once the recipient returns to work, any remaining unused donated days shall be returned to the Sick Leave Bank.  Donated sick leave days shall not be cashed in for severance pay at retirement or used in place of days that may become available once the employee resumes working after a break of active employment.  The Superintendent must approve the granting of any additional bank days once previously granted bank days are exhausted.

  6. A separate application shall be submitted for each occasion that an employee may request receipt of sick leave days from the Sick Leave Bank.  Each application shall include necessary documentation attesting to medical necessity.  The physician’s certification must address circumstances relative to each separate request.  The separate application requirement may be waived by the Superintendent as circumstances may warrant.


Miscellaneous Provisions


  1. The Superintendent shall be authorized to make determinations and clarifications of these provisions.  All determinations and clarifications made by the Superintendent shall be final.

  2. All transactions shall become part of the permanent personnel files of the employees.  Act of Donation Forms shall be placed in donor personnel files depicting the actual number of days deducted from accrued sick leave days on file after the donation is made.

  3. The number of days withdrawn from the Sick Leave Bank shall not exceed the number of days available within the appropriate account of the Bank.

  4. In no case shall granting leave from the Sick Leave Bank cause an employee to receive more than his or her annual base pay.

  5. At least ninety percent (90%) of the leave balance shall be retained in each account of the bank from one school year to the next.


Adopted:  November 1, 1995 Revised:  October 15, 2003
Revised:  April 3, 1996 Revised:  February 6, 2013
Revised:  April 2, 1997 Revised:  November 8, 2023
Revised:  January 2, 2002 Revised:  September 18, 2024



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:500.2, 17:1202, 17:1205, 17:1206.2

La. Civil Code, Art. 1541, Art. 1542, Art. 1833

Board minutes, 11-1-95, 4-3-96, 4-2-97, 1-2-02, 10-15-03, 2-6-13, 11-8-23, 9-18-24


Lafayette Parish School Board